{{ 'fb_in_app_browser_popup.desc' | translate }} {{ 'fb_in_app_browser_popup.copy_link' | translate }}

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目錄 購物車 {{currentCart.getItemCount()}}
商品總數的上限為 100 件,請調整數量再點擊購買

PayMe付款程序 | PayMe Payment Procedure

 PayMe帳戶名稱 | Account Name: 綠行俠 Eco-Greenergy

方法一  |  Method 1

  1. 用PayMe手機應用程式輸入以下電話號碼
    Use PayMe mobile app to enter the mobile number below.
  2. 輸入付款金額
    Enter the payment amount.
  3. 透過Whatsapp發送付款連結
    Send the payment link via Whatsapp.


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方法二  |  Method 2

  1. 用PayMe手機應用程式掃描以下QR二維碼
    Use PayMe mobile app to scan the QR code below.
  2. 輸入付款金額
    Enter the payment amount.